To Garrett Hongo,

It's amazing -- time and time again you review the pieces I'm most interested in. After I e-mailed you about wanting to add a Miyajima mono cartridge to my Clearaudio Innovation Wood turntable, I hit on the main link to Ultra Audio and just read your review on the very same Miyajima! I've been researching the Miyajima Premium BE mono for a few weeks -- sounds like a winner. Your review was very helpful. I will stay away from Fantasy reissues, and stick with vintage or other label mono recordings. I keep reading that the Miyajima mono is the best out there and will make me spend less time on stereo recordings. I know you are a big fan of mono -- was wondering what your favorite mono recordings are? By the way, I'm still loving and using my Herron VTPH-2 phono preamp, which I note is still your reference.

Take care, and thanks for reporting on the stuff I'm most interested in! As always, I really appreciate the exact manner in which you write your reviews. Great combination of set-up observations, listening observations, comparisons, the positives and negatives, etc.


Glad the review was encouraging to you! As for which mono recordings are my faves, that's a long, long list. You might start with reissues from Cisco, Classic Records, Music Matters, Sundazed, and Speakers Corner. Or you could search the thrifts and retail outlets in your area for vintage mono. There's lots around. . . . Garrett Hongo